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Dispelling Irrigation System Myths

These days, people are very concerned about the environment and waste. Recycling efforts have increased across the board with both home and business owners. Slogans that remind us to go green appear everywhere from emails to t-shirts. Grocery stores even encourage customers to use canvas bags, instead of paper or plastic.

With so many people concerned about being eco-friendly, it’s no surprise to frequently hear the question, “Is this bad for the environment?” In my own experience working in the lawn care industry, I’m often asked, “Aren’t irrigation systems wasteful?” The answer is actually no. Irrigation systems are actually much more eco-friendly than traditional watering methods that use hoses and sprinklers. Because irrigation systems are more sophisticated, they can be programmed to target specific areas of lawns. This way, the green areas that need the most attention get it, and the ones that don’t need as much water, don’t use more water than is necessary.

Another myth is that irrigation systems are necessarily expensive. This myth largely comes from people seeing irrigation systems in opulent neighborhoods and high end business parks. Because irrigation systems are used in these more affluent areas, people assume they must be expensive.

The truth is that Irrigation Systems can be expensive, but they can also be very affordable. It all depends on your needs and how much you want to spend. Consider this: an average irrigation system for a 10,000 sq. ft. lot is $4500. When installed and programmed correctly, it will last 15+ years. The total annual cost then breaks down to $300 a year.

Check your summer water bills and make note of the increase from all your summer watering with manual lawn sprinklers. And then factor in the hassles of watering manually: remembering to turn the sprinklers on and off, following water restrictions (areas with minimal rain institute these) and moving manual sprinklers around on a certain schedule so every area of the yard gets watered. Altogether, I’d be willing to be the total time and monetary costs were at least $300, but probably more.

Drip Irrigation Systems and Sprinkler Systems can both be designed to give you the best in lawn irrigation, and professionally installed and programmed irrigation systems are much more eco-friendly, cost-effective and convenient than you might have thought. So, don’t buy into the myths. Go directly to your lawn irrigation specialist with any questions or concerns. They are happy to serve as a resource, and their skilled expertise in lawn irrigation will help you get the right lawn watering system for your needs. And that’s no myth!

Ready to start your dream project?

Contact the TLC Incorporated team today of highly skilled lawn sprinkler, outdoor lighting and drainage experts to discuss your needs.