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Enhance Your Home’s Curb Appeal With Outdoor Lighting

Each and every spring, homeowners embark on ambitious landscaping projects – planting trees, cultivating vegetable gardens, and more – to better enhance the curb appeal of their homes. Now if only there was a way to maximize that landscaping investment.

Wait, there is!

Outdoor Lighting is an easy and cost-effective way to dramatically improve your home’s landscape. Not only will the lighting allow others to enjoy your landscape after dark, but the right lighting can even accent and enhance the features of your property, completely transforming your landscape at night. Other benefits of landscape lighting include:

•      Great Return on Investment (ROI): Homeowners can recoup as much as 100-200% of their initial investment

•      Increase Home Value: Aesthetically appealing landscaping can increase your home’s value by as much as 15%.

•      Make Your Home Easier to Sell: It’s estimate that 95% of buyers will not consider a house that lacks curb appeal.

•      Increase Safety: Extra lights at night mean extra safety.

So what are you waiting for? Contact the landscape lighting experts at TLC Incorporated right away!

For more than 20 years, TLC, Inc has specialized in the planning, installation and maintenance of high-quality commercial and residential Lawn Sprinklers and Irrigation Systems, Lawn Lighting, Outdoor Lighting, and Holiday Lighting.

But decorative lighting from TLC Incorporated isn’t just for the holidays!

TLC also designs and installs outdoor, decorative and security lighting for lawns, gardens, pools, hot tubs, decks, and walkways – you name it and they’ll make it a feature that will add beauty (and value) to any home or business.

If you have any questions, please contact TLC Incorporated by calling 888-742-5852 or click here today!

TLC Inc.: A dedicated team of lighting specialists for the Mid-Atlantic Region, including Maryland, Washington D.C. Northern Virginia, and Delaware.

Make sure to check us out on Facebook and Twitter as well!


Outdoor Lighting will Enahnce your Homes Curb Appeal

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