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Exterior is the New Interior When it Comes to Home Design

The term “interior design” is taken too literally. That’s the opinion of world-class interior designer Matteo Bianchi. Bianchi believes that truly gracious living requires that design extend beyond the walls of a home.


No matter how chic, stylish and elegant the design and décor of your home’s interior, neglecting the outdoor space has become a design faux pas. According to Bianchi, the modern trend in the design industry is to consider a home’s outdoor space to be as important as the indoor space. The outdoor space should extend and compliment the indoor design theme.

Outdoor Lighting is Key

Bianchi considers outdoor landscape lighting to be a key element in creating a thematic carry-through between indoor and outdoor design.

As quoted recently in The National, Bianchi said “I think you should have the same ambiance outdoors that you have indoors; so if you are using low-level light in the living room, that should be applied outdoors. If you are using chandeliers in the living room, you should use wall lights outside. Try to maintain the same level and color of light to create the same ambiance.”

Many Elegant Options are Available for Outdoors Lighting

The technologies and options available for outdoors lighting have exploded in recent years. At TLC, we’re certainly thrilled about all the innovative and stylish advancements in outdoors lighting. Because that means that we can offer a world of choices to our customers when designing landscape lighting installations.

As Bianchi noted, “Outdoor lighting has made massive steps, and now you can find outdoor fittings that are as cool and as elegant as indoor lighting.”

We agree.

Not all of our customers, though, are terribly concerned about the elements of design when we install their landscape lighting for them. They just want to avail themselves of the practical benefits of outdoor lighting, like safety and security.

That’s OK. But there’s certainly no harm in being stylishly practical, is there?


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