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Four Great Reasons to Bid a Final Farewell to Your Incandescent Christmas Lights

At this time of year, TLC‘s crews are always busy stringing up Christmas lights on lots of our customers’ homes. It’s happy work, because it’s always so much fun to see the looks of joy and delight on the faces of our customers’ families when they turn on those lights for the first time.

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It’s as if throwing the switch to turn on their Christmas lights signals the true beginning of the holiday season. And for most people, the holiday season is the happiest time of the year.

But one thing has changed in recent years: the type of lights we install. Old fashioned incandescent Christmas lights once ruled the roost. But no longer. We now light up our customers’ homes exclusively with LED Christmas lights.

Here are four reasons that we’ve permanently cleared incandescents from our inventory and replaced them with LEDs:

  1. Energy Efficiency: You’re probably already aware of this advantage of LEDs; it’s been well publicized. But just in case you didn’t know, LEDs arevastly more energy-efficient than incandescents. In fact, by replacing incandescents with LEDs you can expect your Christmas display to consume up to 90% less energy.

You may be dreaming of a white Christmas. But LED lights can help you have a green Christmas, too!

  1. LEDs Are Way Cool: Touch an incandescent bulb that’s been on for more than a few seconds and you’ll regret it. It’s a good way to get a nasty burn. That’s because incandescent bulbs burn hot.

But LED bulbs stay cool to the touch – even if they’ve been on for hours. No need to worry about kids, or pets, or foliage being burned by scorching-hot bulbs.

  1. Looooong Life: Unless you’re a youngster, you probably know from years of experience that incandescent bulbs don’t last long. They’re very fragile. (And they always seem to burn out at the most inconvenient times!)

But LED bulbs last for a very long time. How long? That depends upon a number of factors. But at a minimum, you can expect 25,000 hours of service from an LED Christmas light – enough to offer years of holiday lighting.

  1. Brighter, Purer Colors: LEDs use far less energy and last years longer than incandescents. But did you know that LEDs also look better than incandescents? It’s true, and it’s because LED bulbs produce authentic colors.

Consider a red incandescent bulb, for example. The ‘red’ light of the bulb is created by ‘dyeing’ the bright white light of the filament by covering it with a red-colored glass bulb. But every LED bulb produces its own unique wavelength on the color spectrum. So a red LED bulb produces true red light.

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Think that ‘dyed’ colors vs. true colors don’t really matter? Compare LEDs and incandescents side-by-side, and you’ll likely change your mind.

Have You Made the Switch?

If you’re still using old-fashioned incandescent lights, don’t you think it’s time to make the switch? LED Christmas lights just offer so many benefits. It’s simply superior technology.

That’s why we light up our customers’ homes exclusively with LED Christmas lights. LEDs help to make our customers’ Christmases brighter, more energy-efficient and more breathtakingly beautiful.

We always want the best for our customers. And LED Christmas lights are the best.

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