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Choosing the Right Sprinkler System

Choosing the right sprinkler system might not be as easy as you think. There are numerous systems available, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. So choosing the perfect sprinkler system can be fairly problematic if you do not know what you are looking for.

This article from gardening.tips.net explains how to make that tough decision and choose the sprinkler system that makes the most sense.

Understand your options. Do your research before you commit to any specific system. Why spend thousands when the perfect solution might be much cheaper? More expensive systems will automatically turn on and off while monitoring the amount of water they put out. Cheaper systems, on the other hand, are normally manually operated and require the user to monitor the water out put. Too much water can be a bad thing. So determine what you need and what your budget is and then find a system that fits both.

Separate your lawn into “zones.” With lawns not being level and with some sprinkler systems stretching far and wide to fully cover the landscape, water pressure can often be a tricky thing to deal with. Some of the more expensive sprinkler systems allow you to separate your yard into zones, watering each of these zones at different times. So when one zone is being watered, the water is shut off to the other zones. Thus, greater water pressure available to the zone in use. So plan ahead and map out your zones.

Take a look at the available heads. Not all sprinkler heads are created equal. The most common type of sprinkler heads is the ones that stick up from the ground a few inches and then rotate as the water sprays. But do not jump at the first sprinkler head you see. Make sure to find one that is as water efficient as possible.

So do your research and determine your specific irrigation needs. Then find a sprinkler system that both fits those needs and, most importantly, your budget. If you have any questions, contact TLC Incorporated by calling 888-742-5852 or click here today!

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