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Mowing Your Way To The Perfect Lawn

The American dream: a beautiful home, a white picket fence, a tire swing hanging from a tree in the front yard, and the perfect lawn. Even if you can’t afford the rest of the dream right now, you can still make the perfect lawn a reality. All it takes is a little work and a lot of know-how.

There is a lot more to lawn care than most people think. Even mowing your lawn is not as simple as pushing the lawnmower back and forth until you have cut every blade of grass down to size.

This article from BuffaloBulletin.com explains how you can transform your ordinary lawn into an extraordinary lawn.

The easiest way to improve the appearance of your lawn is to mow it in a way that promotes optimal lawn health. One of the best ways to do this is to mow frequently with a mower that allows you to mow both often and effectively. But which type of mower is best?

Walking mower – If you measure your yard in square feet and it takes you 30 minutes or less to mow your lawn, a walking mower should work perfectly for you.

Riding mower – If you measure your yard in acres, you may need a riding mower to get the job done without killing yourself.

Cross mowers – If your yard falls somewhere in between, which most lawns do, then this third option is for you. A cross mower is a smaller riding mower designed for yards up to one acre in size. With a compact design, these mowers offer increased maneuverability, as well as easy storage.

Now that you have the right mower, it is time to get down to the little details. Maintaining the perfect lawn require precision and preparation. Having the right tools is just as important as knowing proper lawn care techniques.

More mowing tips:

  1. Keep your blade sharp. A dull blade can damage your grass, hampering healthy and even growth. Mower blades should typically be sharpened once at the beginning of spring and once in the summer. Examining your grass after you mow can help determine whether your blade is producing a clean and even cut.
  2. Spread clippings evenly throughout your yard. Grass clippings are your best form of fertilizer – and they’re free. Throughout the year, your clippings will provide the equivalent of one or two applications of fertilizer, according to the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
  3. Don’t mow in the same direction every time. Mowing in different directions will prevent your grass from becoming matted down and instead keep it growing upward, where it can receive the most sunlight.
  4. Cut your grass between 2 and 3 inches. Keeping it longer than 2 inches can help prevent weeds from receiving the necessary sunlight to take hold. It also can prevent scorching during warm and dry weather. For optimal growth and regeneration, never remove more than one third of your lawn’s length during one mowing session.
  5. Mow only when your grass is dry. Mowing when your yard is wet can cause your mower to leave tracks. It can also cause your discarded clippings to clump together, providing an ideal breeding ground for bacteria that can cause disease in your grass.

If you have any questions, contact TLC Incorporated by calling 888-742-5852 or click here today!

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