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Garden Lighting

Garden lighting serves several purposes, being both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Proper lighting provides additional safety while at the same time accents the foliage and transforms the personality of your daytime garden.

Night lighting can bring interesting shapes, forms, and shadows to your landscape, completely changing the look and feel of your garden with a few strategically placed lights.  And with the introduction of low-voltage lighting, garden lighting has become increasingly popular.

Low-voltage lighting is very easy to install and is the perfect home improvement project for the do-it-yourself homeowner. Of course if you do not have the time or if you are uncomfortable performing the task yourself, you can hire a professional landscaper to install your new low-voltage garden lights for you.

Every garden is different, so keep in mind some of these factors when installing low-voltage lighting:

•     Use six or more small lights throughout your garden, rather than two or three more powerful lights.

•     Place your lights out beyond your patio or deck.  There, they create depth in the garden, as well as drawing insects away from your patio.

•     Install separate switches for activities requiring more light.  This way lights can be turned off when not needed.

•     Consider using a few small lights on a fence or hedge, if needed, as a curtain between your garden and a neighbor’s.

•     When hanging lights in trees, place them above the bottom limb to create shadows.

•     Be cautious in the use of color filters.  A colored light can be nice on a pool, but will decrease the beauty of your flowers.

•     Light the hazards in your yard, as well as the attractive features.  You might know where a garden step is, but a visitor may not.

If you have any questions, contact TLC Incorporated by calling 888-742-5852 or click here today!

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