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Preventing winter lawn damage

Here’s another page with advice on preventing damage to lawns in the winter. Unfortunately, it reinforces what we’ve said before about it being too late to do anything about it this winter. However, the instructions offered on the site are very clear and straightforward.

One source of damage are voles (meadow mice) who tunnel under the snow and eat the grass. The way to prevent vole damage is to continue mowing the lawn until it goes dormant in the fall and leave the grass at two inches in height. Also, clear debris and vegetation around the yard in which the voles can nest.

The other major source of damage is gray or pink snow mold. Proper fertilizing techniques in the fall, aerating the lawn, and debris and vegetation removal can help prevent these problems. Mowing the lawn until the grass is dormant can help in this case as well.

For more lawn advice and help getting your lawn back to normal, contact us. We’ll help you maintain a great-looking lawn.

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