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A quick class on grass

Most people admire a well-manicured lawn, but few are truly aware of the amount of work that goes into the selection, installation, and maintenance of healthy, attractive lawns. Why is selection an important consideration? This article explains.

Simply, depending on geographic location and local environmental concerns (rainfall, sun exposure, heat, and so on) one grass may significantly outperform another. Similarly, steps involved in installing a brand new lawn differ from those a homeowner would take to “convert” a lawn from one type of grass to another. And finally, maintenance is an issue because watering, cutting, and fertilizing require a homeowner’s vigilance.

Today, scientific advances have taken the selection an appropriate grass for a lawn out of the realm of guesswork. Certain varieties of grass are known to be drought-resistant while other clearly thrive in wet environments. Specific types are developed to do well in shadowy areas while others are positively sun-loving. Learning the type of grass that’s suitable for your own lawn is an important first step on the way to the picture-perfect lawn that homeowners seek. To learn more about creating and maintaing an attractive lawn, contact us.

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