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Six Tips For Maintaining a Greener Lawn

You think you have done everything to keep your grass looking great. You have fertilized, pulled weeds and you even installed a sprinkler system. What else is there to do except to sit back and watch the grass grow? Well actually, if you want your yard to continue to look its best, you will need to constantly maintain your sprinkler system.

This article from associatedcontent.com provides six simple tips to keep your grass green and your sprinklers sprinkling.

  1. Make sure your sprinklers get Head-to-Head coverage: This means that the spray from one sprinkler head should overlap with the spray from the next closest sprinkler head. This ensures that your lawn is fully watered. The last thing you want is a patch of dead grass because your system did not reach a certain section of your lawn.
  2. Adjust your sprinkler heads: Fine tuning your system is the key to the perfect lawn. Make sure your sprinkler heads are pointing slightly upward (or downward if on a slope) will give you the best possible results. Sprinkler heads come in various angles for a reason. Allowing for adjustments is vital is maintaining a healthy lawn. Another way to ensure you can fully adjust your system is to connect the sprinkler heads with “swing pipe” instead of rigid pipe. This will allow you even more flexibility.
  3. Use Drip irrigation where appropriate: Plant beds do not need the heavy watering that grass does. Your plants can survive on drip irrigation (low volume irrigation). So it is pointless to use more water than you need to. Drip irrigation will save you both water and money while still producing a magnificent plant bed. An existing zone that has spray heads can be converted to a drip system fairly easily. Once the drip system is installed, routine maintenance is also very simple for the homeowner.
  4. Use a controller: You can control your entire irrigation system with one device. So why wouldn’t you? There is a huge selection of state-of-the-art controllers available that can be easily programmed to fit your needs.
  5. Install an automatic rain shut-off device: If it is raining, you do not need to be operating your sprinkler system. A rain shut-off device will prevent this from happening. And they are simple to install.
  6. Properly weatherize your system: Some systems have automatic drain valves and others require a manual procedure. Additionally, valves and backflow devices should be covered with insulation for the winter months

If you have any questions, contact TLC Incorporated by calling 888-742-5852 or click here today!

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