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Swimming Pool Lighting Design

A pool can be a great investment. But with most climates only allowing for swimming 3-4 months out of the year, doesn’t it make sense to try and maximize your swim time (while providing an added element of safety)? One way to do that is to install lights in and around your pool.

This article from eHow.com provides several ideas for aesthetically pleasing pool lighting.

Outside the Pool

Proper lighting will provide both added safety and the ability to swim at night. By illuminating your pool deck and the walkway from your house to the pool area, you will create an aesthetically pleasing, safe environment for you, your family, and your guests.

Have fun with this project. Instead of simply lighting your pool deck and walkway, light features of your landscape, as well. Accent your yard and showcase your landscape – highlight trees, shrubbery, etc. This lighting would be minimal and basic with sole concentration on the object. LED (light emitting diodes) or solar lights work well for this kind of spotlight.

Inside the Pool

If you can’t see where you’re going, swimming can be fairly dangerous. Installing lights inside your pool will better illuminate your swimming area while turning your backyard into an eye-catching oasis.

Install these lights along the edges and corners of the pool as well as by any steps or ladders. Furthermore, floating lights can be an aesthetically pleasing addition to any pool. Light can be directed up or down into the water creating patterns within the pool. These lights are typically solar-powered or battery-operated.

Fiber Optics

Offering various color options, fiber optics has become an increasingly popular option for illuminating specific areas of one’s pool, and even landscape. Fiber optics can make your pool blue, purple, pink or any number of other colors. There are options available to set the lights on a timer that scrolls through the colors making your pool change colors every few minutes, or however long your timer is set for. This technology is advance enough to also create light displays in your pool that is timed to music. Arcs of water spraying into the pool and waterfalls can be colored with fiber optic lights as well.

Pool lighting is a great way to increase your swim time and maximize your pool’s value.  If you have any questions, contact TLC Incorporatedby calling 888-742-5852 or click here today!

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