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The winner for best variety …

In our last post, we talked about the different types of grass varieties you’re likely to find in Mid-Atlantic lawns.  Now we’d like to go over which varieties are the best for the region.  According to the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension, they are turf-type tall fescue and zoysiagrass.  Here’s a little more about each.

Tall fescue:  This grass stands up well to cold weather and traffic.  It does require some more watering, especially in the summer than other varieties.  It should be fertilized in the fall and be kept to 2.5-3.5 inches high.

Zoysiagrass:  This grass is better suited for warm weather and doesn’t require as much water.  It requires a lot of sun so isn’t good in the shade.  It should be fertilized late in the spring and be kept to ..5-1.5 inches.

Either grass is good for this area because they resist insects and diseases without a lot of fertilizer.  However, both will need to be watered, and that’s where we come in.  Our lawn irrigation systems make these easy-to-maintain grasses even easier.  Contact us to learn more.

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