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Know your grass

If you’re looking for lawn care advice, you usually won’t get to far before you need to determine what kind of grass you have.  Proper seeding, watering, fertilizing, even mowing, all vary depending on the variety of grass you have.  To make matters worse, lawns these days rarely consist of one variety but blend a number of grasses.  Nevertheless, here are a few varieties you’ll probably encounter in the Mid-Atlantic area.

  • Kentucky Bluegrass.  Despite its name, bluegrass is actually the darkest green variety of grass.  It is a soft grass with a V-shaped blade and looks like a canoe at the tip.
  • Fine Fescue.  It has a dull green color with a little gray mixed in.  Its blades resemble needles or strands of hair with a fine tip.
  • Ryegrass.  Its dark green though not as dark as bluegrass, which is often found with it.  Its blades are shiny on one side and are especially noticeable for their whitish look after mowing.
  • Zoysia.  It is an ideal grass for the Mid-Atlantic.  It has a narrow tip, is stiff and feels prickly to the touch.

Generally, bluegrass, ryegrass, and fescue are grouped together.  Now you can go out to your lawn, look at the types of grass out there, and have an answer when determining the best care.  If you need help with irrigation or any other lawn advice, contact us, and we’ll be happy to give you a hand.

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