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Benefits of LED Landscape Lighting

LED landscape lighting can offer many benefits to your home or commercial space. As this article explains, LED lights can save money, energy and offer versatility that other lights cannot. LED lights come in a variety of colors which in turn opens your decorating options.


Besides the variety of color that LED lights offer they also have a myriad of uses. They can provide up-lighting to give ambient light to an area. LED lights can also serve to down light areas from targeted light from above. Silhouette lighting is very popular with LED lights to accent certain aspects of your landscape. Also, as stated, the colored LED lights can help add accents to areas as well. Because the lights are so small, they can be arranged in ways that other lights were never able to be before. This offers a new flexibility and versatility in the design of your landscape.


LED lights offer many benefits to homeowners besides their varietal nature.  Their lighting lasts longer than incandescent lighting—LED lights can last for up to 30 years. They may cost more to buy, but they’ll last far longer than five incandescent lights.  Besides the money you will save on the actual lights, LED lights are more energy efficient. They are about 80 % more efficient than other forms of lighting, so in the long run you will save money.

For more information on LED lighting or your landscape, contact TLC Incorporated at 888-742-5852 or by clicking here.

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