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Spring Grass Care: Weed Removal

News Flash: Not All Lawn Weeds Can Be Eliminated the Same Way.

Who knew, right? Well, depending upon whether a weed is an annual or a perennial, you will use a preemergent herbicide or a postemergent herbicide against it. It might not sound like much, but it makes a huge difference in the fight to keep your lawn healthy and green.

This article describes everything you need to know about spring lawn care and the fight against your enemy, the weed.

If you struggle with crabgrass, you have what is known as an annual weed. This means that fertilizing your lawn should go hand in hand with the application of a preemergent herbicide. This type of herbicide attacks those annual weeds before they have a chance to sprout.

Be proactive and protect your lawn. Crabgrass begins its assault on lawns in spring, when its seeds germinate, so that means you do not have much time to waste. But preemergent herbicides may negatively affect the growth of your beloved grass. It is an unfortunate side effect. One way to combat the problem is overseeding. If you choose to overseed in the spring, look for a product called, “Tupersan.”

Before you do anything, you may want to consult a lawn care professional to make sure you are taking the best course of action.

And just when it couldn’t get any more confusing, now you have to deal with perennial weeds such as dandelions.

At the very least, you will want to snap off their flower stem before they have the opportunity to produce seeds. But if you are more ambitious, you can dig them out by the root to be done with that pesky plant for good.

If you prefer a less hand-on method, you can choose to spray with postemergent herbicides, though doing this is more effective in fall than spring. If you do choose to spray, make sure you choose a herbicide for broadleaf weeds.

Or if you do not want to be involved in the process at all, you may choose to call a lawn car specialist.

If you have any questions, please contact TLC Incorporated for all of your lawn care needs by calling 410-721-2342 or by clicking here today!

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